How to use PoseMy.Art?

Learn how to get the most out of PoseMy.Art for your drawing references!

PoseMy.Art is a super powerful tool for creating pose references.

Let’s see how you can get the most out of PoseMy.Art for your drawing references!

Table of contents

How to select a model?

To select a model you have two options:

How to pose a model?

  1. Select a model - little colored circles should appear on the model’s joints.

  2. Click on the little circle on a joint you want to rotate - 3D rings should appear for each axis.

  3. Drag the ring (Click and hold while moving the mouse) to move the joint and pose your model

    Tip: You can also drag the white circle in the middle to control all the axis at the same time

How to move the camera?

How to move a model?

  1. Select a model

  2. Click on the move tool on the bottom left menu - 3 arrows should appear in the middle of the model

  3. Click and drag an arrow to move the model around the scene

    Tip: You can also drag the white diamond in the middle to control all the axis at the same time

    Quick Select: You can move between the 3 selection models of the models by clicking on the models multiple times. Make sure to click on the model itself (the body) and not the circles or other tools around it

How to rotate a model?

How to scale a model?

How to add a model?

How to add a prop?

How to move the light?

You can control the directional light by rotating the light.

How to control the light intensity?

How to undo or redo?

How to take a screenshot?

How to save and load scenes?

How to flip a model’s pose from right to left?

How to use the animations/poses library?